All Hail the Cat Queen

Serene upon her golden throne
(the couch you never get to sit)
she entertains you as her guest
and licks her paw as you attend
her greatness as she flicks her tail
and gives that look dismissing you.

Like a jester, your reappear,
shaking toys and talking dumb,
and she's having none of that.
She turns her back and stares outside:
her kingdom bores her so today.

You scratch her head, and then she purrs,
and angles neck approvingly.
Merciful, she lets you live.
For you are worthy, for a while,
and you may feed her treats again
- until she reveals claws,
reminds you who's the ruler here.

All Hail the Cat Queen © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

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Submitted: March 1, 2019