Every Thing in Time

Behind the mechanistic rust,
disorder's din, confusion's dust,
a reason leaps without a sound
from the moment it was bound
to usher in unseen effects
and not in ways a mind expects.

For many, this is randomness
a game of chance, not one of chess,
some senseless series of events
removed from meanings and intents
- a world where unrelated change
lies inclined to disarrange.

Ecclesiastes reassures,
at any hour, cause endures,
ascribing seasons to all things
- those winters, autumns, summers, springs
alive and promptly, as designed,
with purpose and results aligned.

How comforting to contemplate
how everything shall culminate
however well I understand
what holds within the second hand
and why some minutes change the day
as time abides or flies away.

Every Thing in Time © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

View this poem at AllPoetry.com

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.  Favorite Scripture challenge prompt - link: https://allpoetry.com/contest/2751527-Favourite-Scripture-
Submitted: June 4, 2020

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