Genealogy of Breathing

Resurge your winds, forestal lungs,
inspire skies, gift life again,
absorbing zephyrs, tempests swirled
with birdsong, protests, whispered prayers,
industrial polluted airs,
the slurring dirges wars interred,
from murmured verse of loves deferred
to urgent voices undeterred,
converging currents overseas
exhaled by even further trees
immersed in gales, volcanic verge,
abandon's laughter, unheard scourge
of clear-cut woods and timber blaze,
the suffocating gusts and raze
of wildfires, floods, or drought
- such nightmares jungles heard about.
From branch to leaf, know every tree
accounts life's genealogy
as oxygen draws histories
toward final gasps from all that breathes.

Genealogy of Breathing © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

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97 words.  Trees challenge prompt - link:
Submitted: November 8, 2019