Picasso's 'Girl Before a Mirror'

Her symmetries careen tonight
when blondeness greens in grimmer light
confusing truth with clueless hues
as reds and yellows riddle blues.

Reflection bends finesse and draws
what doubt assures were perfect flaws
where curves unnerve and lines depart
the funhouse mirrors of her art:

disjointed hips
foreshortened arms
receding lips
convulsive charms.

Her claws embrace gray looking glass:
how patterns shatter, dance and pass
for orders formed beyond her eyes
once gloom begins to glamorize.

Picasso's 'Girl Before a Mirror' © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

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75 words.  "She's a mess / masterpiece" prompt challenge - link: https://allpoetry.com/contest/2761326-Quote-Prompt---8-Only-

Inspired by Pablo Picasso's painting:



Submitted: September 25, 2020

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