Reasoning with the Madness

Those saner days, when sovereign logic
stood up before a maddened mob
and spoke with focus, knowing, poise,
to ease confusion, angst, and noise
- how much I wish they would return
so we would learn instead of burn.

But here it's Babel yet again:
stealth engineers of ignorance
erect great structures unto voids
where wisdom swiftly disappears,
veracity slips out of sight,
and eyes resign themselves to night.

Now contradictions coexist.
Strong feelings pass for factual.
Will someone question or resist?
Does no one crave the actual?
Should reason fall, then all is lost!
Crusade for truth at any cost!

Reasoning with the Madness © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

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101 words.  Prompt six (sane person / insane society).  Kurt Vonnegut inspiration challenge prompt - link:

For LNP:  Blanket per. is on file.  I would need a reader.  Thank you.
Submitted: August 14, 2021