
D efiant down to Hades' helm,
O rpheus would get his wife.
N otes and vocal: songs to soothe
T enacious hearts toward sweet relent:

L icense love's return above,
O ur sole request: no retrospect
O blivious to tense and senses
K ey to crossing mortal gates.

B ut trickster Fear elicits glimpse:
A bandoning abundant care
C onditioning redundant fates
K armic as cathartic stars.

E urydice so gravely gained,
V anished, as her myth maintained.
E xcessive dread divests the quest.
R elinquish what you dare possessed!

Relinquish © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

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Orpheus and Eurydice Challenge - prompt link:
Submitted: July 24, 2019