Sacred Flight

What endless steps and ramps were raised
by those who hoped to cross the gates
between this globe
and paradise.

Then escalators, elevators
charging through the sky

propellers, jets, and rocketry
all following to fly.

Some strained for stars,
held moon in hands.

Most never found their promised lands

so technical yet unawares
that scaling heaven's hidden stairs
was not a worldly quest

ascension only possible
when mortal thoughts divest
all trappings of their earthly ways
and journey as a soul.

To find this way, you lose the world.
Relinquish false control.

Become one with the universe,
the weightless peace of light

transcending everything once known
to scale the sacred flight.

Sacred Flight © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

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111 words.  Stairway to Heaven challenge prompt - link:

Rights granted to read on LNP radio show.  I would need a reader.
Submitted: January 1, 2021