Steps Toward Self-Acceptance

Removing old mirrors
is step number one

because those reflections
mislead the eyes.

Step number two:
to reach beneath self

surpassing the hair,
skin, muscles, and blood

to delve into brain
and enter each thought

to excavate dreaming,
lost memories

aspects neglected
of what we have been

everything ended
or yet to begin

virtues and misbeliefs,
wishes and sin.

Step number three:
we journey toward soul

questing through darkness
seeking our sight

exchanging mere senses
for wisdom and light

to show where we glow
and grow when we know

forgiveness, compassion,
unqualified love.

Step number four:
we come back above

return to the present,
authentic and real

mindful, more beautiful
once truths reveal

our most selfless selves.
And then we may heal.

Steps Toward Self-Acceptance © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

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122 words.  Osho quote (becoming beautiful by accepting yourself) inspiration challenge prompt - link:

For LNP:  I am requesting a reader.  Blanket per. should be on file.  Thank you.
Submitted: February 18, 2021