Swamp World Haiku

Swamp, ancient trees, fog
full of mysterious life:
force flowing, feeling.

In my hut brews soup:
time to eat, await to pass,
then forever sleep.

My learner, at last:
impatience, fear, age, that rage:
like his father so.

Up vines, climbing, fast
in air, flipping, luminous;
for questions we pause.

Promise as rocks rise
- then failure, falling: futures
ever moving us.

Sinking, gone, a ship;
outstretched, one hand full of hope,
strains, lifts, despairs, drops.

Outward I think, reach,
through the surface, weight, sizes:
done, there was no try.

Cave: inside he goes,
facing what he wills: deep truths
too early to tell.

Unready, he leaves:
lessons unlearned not wholly;
the swamp and I sigh.

Swamp World Haiku © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

View this poem at AllPoetry.com

Challenge prompt link: https://allpoetry.com/contest/2722131-Star-Wars
Submitted: April 12, 2019

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