A Tale of Two Candles

A pas de deux sprung from one match:
two flames flex round, step into dance
to cast the night within their trance.

One hotter than the other runs,
the other, of her mirrored world,
where reversals reign the daze.

The rooms inhale their hurried breaths,
their ballet slurred by somber lamps
partnered with the dusty chairs.

This passion paralleled consumes:
two wicks to whisper their farewells,
but not before their music's spent.

For now, two worlds twirl heart by hand,
leaping through a dreamless dark;
all loves reflected in their spark.

A Tale of Two Candles © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

View this poem at AllPoetry.com

Challenge prompt link: https://allpoetry.com/contest/2720477-Candle---Mirror-Quote-----Edith-Wharton
Submitted: March 3, 2019

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