Untrained Savior

Without blueprints or masonry
you arranged the cornerstones
and poured foundations for my world.

With little more than hands and pans
you improvised delectably
and conjured feasts improbably.

Without charts or stethoscopes
you rallied me from languished legs
and helped me stand and walk again.

With no theories or degrees
you analyzed my moods and dreams
so I could conquer phobias.

Without equations, rulers, proofs
you multiplied my depth and worth
then mended when I would divide.

With intuition, spirit, flair
you graced my eyes with ageless art
stirred symphonies within this heart.

Without rites or chalices
you blessed my life, forgiving all
and gave me faith to strive toward light.

Untrained Savior © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

View this poem at AllPoetry.com

Why Your Mother Is a Hero prompt challenge - link: https://allpoetry.com/contest/2749758-Why-is-your-mom-your-hero-
Submitted: May 11, 2020

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