
Don't you ever disappear.  Stay.  Make fun.
Get those crazy crayons out and draw a sun
smiling on our house today.  Not one cloud!
Make some silly lyrics up.  Dance!  Sing loud!
Let's get back to wackiness, leap about:
two foolish frogs who never knew enough to pout.
Remember when there was no end to what could be?
Remember what we wanted then, and all for free?
Everything so simple, sweet.  Once you went,
this world got very serious.  Discontent.
Let's set aside our cares again and lose this mood,
speaking in our goofy voices - play with food!
Life's too short to lose our youth.  You'll agree?
How about some ice cream now?  Sprinkles?  Whee!

Whee! © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

View this poem at AllPoetry.com

"Letter to your inner child" prompt challenge - link: https://allpoetry.com/contest/2723091-A-letter-to-your-inner-child
Submitted: April 25, 2019

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