A Wish List for All

Attend them through their silent spells.
Regard them when they cannot see.

Affirm them should they bow to doubts.
Encourage them through their despair.

Embrace them through their loneliness.
Inspire them past tedium.

Refuse to judge their differences.
Receive them: end unwelcomeness.

Remember to forget not one.
May memory preserve their bests.

Turn advocate: fight for their rights,
especially the snubbed and crushed.

Should sickness strike, inject much grace.
Trust mercy and compassion's lead.

Bless back when cursed: dissolve ill wills.
Meet angers with your peaceful heart.

Grant healing love - most if they hate.
Raise up their souls: sustain their faith.

Stay constant, friends, relate to all.
Let kindness win: give cause for hope.

When music stills, be breath for song.
Where darkness harms, become the light.

A Wish List for All © Copyright 2021, Robert J. Tiess.

View this poem at AllPoetry.com

128 words, 22 lines.  "Tiny Gifts with Huge Embrace" challenge prompt - link: https://allpoetry.com/contest/2736497-Tiny--Gifts--With--Huge--Embrace-
Submitted: November 24, 2019

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